Worship Groups tab page (Worship Planner)

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Worship Groups tab page (Worship Planner)


The Groups tab page on the Worship Planner dialog allows you to store basic information about music or organizational groups that participate in your worship events. The purpose of these groups lists is to simplify the entry of worship elements.

The Groups page is divided into two major sections:

Group Definitions

In this section you'll add group names, the leader or contact person and their phone numbers, and a list of things that this group is likely to do.

Group Name. Enter the group's name by typing it in here.

Leader/Contact. You may either type the name in directly, or you can click the icon to find the name in your CMD data file if that person is already stored in the file. If that's the case, the home and work phone numbers of the individual will be automatically placed in the phone fields. You may also enter phone numbers directly if you wish.

Responsibilities. The Responsibilities edit box allows you to enter a list of things this group might do. For example, if the group is a choir, then some possible responsibilities might include Introit, Call to Worship, Anthem, Special Music, Prayer Response, Benediction Response. The purpose of this list is to make the definition of worship elements a bit easier by creating a specialized list for each group you enter when you define it here.

Another example might be for ushers. Some typical responsibilities might include Seating Worshippers, Take up Offering, Dismissal, Preparation of Sanctuary.

Praise/Worship Team Definition

The lower half the Groups page is for entering praise band or worship team information. You must first select a worship event and date by clicking on the desired event in the grid in the lower left corner. If you need to resize the grid's columns, the changes will be remembered when you next enter this page.

Name. You can either type the name directly in, or click the icon to search for the name in your CMD data file. If a name is found there, their phone numbers will be automatically entered.

Role. You may either type it in or pick from the list of options by clicking the combo icon.

Phone Numbers. You may enter these in directly if you wish, or they will appear automatically when a name is called from your CMD data file.

In a general sequence for defining a worship service, you'd proceed next to the Worship Elements tab page.