CMD Help Contents and Welcome

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CMD Help Contents and Welcome


Welcome to the Church Membership Directory 2020 FMX Version Help System!


Most everything you need to know about how to use "CMD" can be found here in this help system. If you still have questions after using the help system, contact Software for Ministry for additional help by e-mail at

Important information about the Mac version of CMD is here.

CMD's help system can be accessed in a number of different ways:

If you need general help, click on the broad topic headings listed below, or click the Index or Search icons to type in a keyword, phrase, or CMD feature name.

To access the help system while running CMD, click the Help button on virtually any dialog in the program.

When viewing CMD's help system as a PDF manual, the hyperlinks work as they do when accessing help from within CMD. In addition, the PDF manual provides both an extensive Table of Contents at the beginning of the manual, and a full index in the back. You may print any portion of the PDF manual that is useful for your work with CMD if you find a printed reference easier to work with.

Here's the list of general topics:

 Initializing CMD and Creating a New CMD Data File

 Using CMD on a Network

 Getting Started

 Basic Concepts

 Adding/Updating Names to the File

 Sending SMS/Text Messages

 Printing Lists and Reports

 Deleting Names from your File

 Contributions Management




 Quick List




 Backing Up Your Data