Fully Hosted CMD Option

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Fully Hosted CMD Option


CMD is now available on a fully-hosted platform that places the entire CMD software and data on a virtual private server that is accessible and visible only to you. While there is a monthly or annual subscription fee for this service, there are many advantages of it that are simply not available to you when you self-host CMD on your own computer. The fully-hosted solution is ideal for those who:

Need to have a simple, no-fuss way to enable several users to have access to CMD

Don't want to bother with maintaining the networking and internet access system requirements for making CMD's data available when self-hosted

Want to always stay current with CMD but not have to worry about actually adding any software updates

Need to be able to allow Mac computers to use CMD

Here's a page on our web site that gives you a rundown on these and other advantages for using the CMD's fully-hosted option, along with the current pricing for this service.