Envelopes (Print Names)

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Envelopes (Print Names)


To print envelopes in Print Names, select Envelopes on the Output Forms combo on the Print Control page of the Print Names dialog.

There are a couple of additional setup choices to be made when you select this output form:

Feed Options. You may select either Single Feed or Continuous. Note that depending on your printer, you may be able to select Continuous even if you don't have an envelope feeder. For CMD, the difference between Single Feed and Continuous is the following:

Single Feed: The screen will prompt you for each name to be printed. You can elect to print the envelope, skip the name, or abort printing.

Continuous: Continuous means that CMD will continually print each envelope in immediate succession without prompting you. If your printer can handle several envelopes at once and you are able to be by the printer to continually feed it, you can select this option.

Print Return Address. This option reflects what is currently saved in your Envelope Preferences as detailed on the Envelope Preferences dialog. You can change it temporarily here if you wish by either selecting or de-selecting this option. No permanent change will be made unless its made on the Envelope Preferences dialog.

       Envelope Preferences button. Click this button to get to the Envelope Preferences dialog, where items such as envelope position and font selections for envelopes are stored.

       Page Headline Text. Text entered in the Page Headline text box will be printed on the first line of the delivery address. An example of how this might be useful: If you wish to address envelopes to all the parents of children in a particular SS Class/Division, you could enter "To the Parents of" in the Page Headline text box. Each time an envelope is addressed, it will print that line on the envelope before it prints the actual name and address.