CMD Lookup

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CMD Lookup


CMD Lookup is a separate, read-only program that you can use to keep running in the background (if you wish) to give you quick access to most of CMD's data.

CMD Lookup is strictly read only. You cannot add, modify, or delete any data.

Because CMD Lookup is meant to run in the background, there is a log out timer that you can set so that you don't keep the connection open indefinitely. This is important for three reasons:

Should you need to walk away from your computer, CMD Lookup will eventually log itself off to protect your data from snooping eyes

Because you can't back up or restore data while other users are connected during the same session, leaving the connection open prohibits these actions from taking place

The remote database server (if you are using it) will disconnect the remote connection after about 10 minutes anyway, but that disconnection is rather abrupt. The log out timer allows CMD to log off properly so that the program will be ready for you to log in again when you come back to your computer

Please note that we do not recommend that you use CMD Lookup without requiring a log in for your CMD file, or that you use it without the log out timer unless you are using CMD in a private setting where others do not have access to your computer.

Starting up CMD Lookup

Find and double-click the Lookup 2020 icon on your desktop and CMD Lookup will open.

When you open the CMD Lookup program, you will be asked to select the data file you wish to use just as you do with CMD. You'll also be prompted to log in just as you did with CMD. Once in, the main screen is a somewhat scaled-back version of the main Enter/Modify/Delete Names dialog, so you should feel right at home with it.

Changing the Size of the CMD Lookup Dialog

Just as with the Enter/Modify/Delete Names dialog, you can expand or contract the CMD Lookup dialog very easily. It's done in the same way that it's done with Enter/Modify/Delete Names with one exception. When you resize using the Use Small/Large Dialog button located in the center of the dialog between the Family Data area and the Individuals Data area, the program will exit and you will need to restart it in order for the size change to take effect.

If you needed to resort to using the Use Small/Large Dialog button and the dialog is too small when you come back in, use the spin controls adjacent to the Use Small/Large Dialog button to increase the size of the dialog until it fills your screen well. You will also need to drag the right and bottom borders to allow the full size of the dialog to appear in the window.

Conversely, if you need to enlarge the dialog from its standard size because you have more screen real estate to work with, use the spin controls to increase the size as desired. You will also need to drag the right and bottom borders to make room for the enlarged size.

Using the Search Tools

If you have a wide-screen monitor that is running a fairly high resolution, chances are that you will have room on the screen to expand the right edge of the CMD Lookup dialog to reveal search tools for both families and individuals. While the Find a Family and Find a Person buttons work, you may find it easier to use the search tools located on the right edge of the dialog. So if your screen has room for it, simply drag the right border to reveal the search tools until they are completely uncovered. CMD Lookup will remember the borders and size you select and will start up the next time using the dimensions you have selected.

Remember, It's Read Only!

Note that a lot of the functions from Enter/Modify/Delete Names have been disabled because CMD Lookup is meant to be read only! If you need to make changes, go back into CMD and make them there.