Attendance (for individuals)

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Attendance (for individuals)


While you will most often use the tools provided on the Attendance menu to mark attendance, there may be times when you wish to view or modify the attendance information for an individual.

To enter, modify, or view attendance for an individual, click the Attendance button in the lower right corner of the Enter/Modify/Delete Names dialog.

When the Attendance for individuals dialog appears, you'll see listed any attendance events marked for the currently selected name.

To add a new event, click the + icon on the navigator bar and a new entry will be created. Click the small icon to the right of the date field to pick the attendance date from a pop-up calendar.

Press TAB to move to the Event column. Once there, click the icon in the right corner of the Event field to see the list of Attendance Events. Highlight the event you wish to mark this person present for and then click the Save icon (looks like a check mark) on the navigator bar.

If you wish to edit the list of attendance events, there is a button on this dialog you may click to bring up the dialog that allows you to edit list of attendance events.

There is also a FILTER feature on this dialog that you can use to limit the kinds of attendance events that are listed. This might make it easier to find out if a person was marked correctly for a given date and event. To filter the list, open the combo box just above the Filter List button and select the attendance event you wish to list. Once you've selected the attendance event, then click the Filter List button to limit the list to only the event you selected.

Note that this does not erase the other attendance events stored for this name, it only removes them from view.

Click Remove Filter to display all items in the list.