Server Already Running?

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Server Already Running?


If you are updating from CMD 2013-2019 and you have been using the Remote Database Server software with your CMD 2012-2019 program, you do not need to install and initialize it when installing CMD 2020. The server version and operation for CMD 2013-2019 is exactly the same for CMD 2020.

If the Remote Database Server software is running on your computer, click Yes to proceed past the server installation and configuration.

Click No only if it's not already running and you need to set up the Remote Database Server software for the first time. Click here for information on how to do this.

If you do not know if it's running or not, exit from the CMD 2020 initialization and start up CMD 2013-2019. If the status bar shows Remote File when your first CMD data file starts up (that's shown on the lower-left corner of your CMD's main dialog), then the Remote Database Server is running. If it says Local File, then it's not running.