First Step Selection (Print Names)

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First Step Selection (Print Names)


The First Step Selection box in the upper left corner of the Selection page on the Print Names dialog contains a list of options for the first choice you should make when printing lists/reports.

You can only select one of these choices for any given list/report, and are mutually exclusive to other First Step Selection choices. Choice one of these:

All Names in File. This option will print all names saved in your data file in your list or report.

Individuals. Click this option only if there are no fields that can serve as the criteria for your list and you need to select the names you want included manually. The Select Individuals for Printing dialog will appear when you click the Begin Printing button on the Print Control tab page to enable you to select the individual names that you wish to include in your report.

SQL Statement. An option reserved for a future update, this will enable you to specify SQL commands to generate your list.

Quick List Category. This option allows you to select a Quick List category or categories as the basis for your list. You select the actual Quick List to be printed from the Quick List Selection combo box, which appears over the Name Formality combo on the Print Control page. Open this combo to select any Quick List category you wish to print.

Field-based Selections. Clicking on this item enables all of the other fields on the Selection page so that you can select any specific field or any combination of fields as the criteria for your list. See Field-based Selections for more information.