Contributions Breakdown Reports

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Contributions Breakdown Reports


To print breakdown reports for contributions, select Print Contributions Breakdown Reports on the Contributions Menu. A number of parameters affect the reports:

Output Forms:

Numeric Summary. This report prints a list of donation totals in the breakdown amounts that you specify.

Graph Summary. This report displays a pie chart on your computer’s screen giving the breakdown by the number of givers and the amount of the donations. You may also print the pie charts if you wish.

Breakdown with Names. Use this report to see names who have given to each breakdown amount specified.

Breakdown with Names and Amount. This report provides the amounts given along with each name who has given to each breakdown amount specified. Also included is the specific account to which the gift was directed.

Breakdown Basis

You may select from all giving combined, or you may click on the Account button and select a specific account from the drop-down list.

Report Period

Select a date range for the report period. Giving outside of these dates will be ignored.

Breakdown Amounts

The Breakdown Amounts table is where you define the exact breakdown points that you would like to use in the reports. The amounts you enter here will be remembered for you the next time you access this dialog. You can edit any of the amounts at will. Reports will immediately reflect the breakdowns you enter.

Note that the breakdowns amounts are inclusive. That is, if you wish for one of your break down accounts to start at $100 but be less than $200, then enter $100 in the From column, and $199.99 in the To column.

Printing or Viewing a Breakdown

To print or view your report, select from among the printing options on the right side of the dialog. Note that with the Graph Summary that the report will always be sent to the screen first. Printing is handled in a different way for the charts, so the printing comes directly from the dialog that appears first on the screen.