Define Pledges

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Define Pledges


CMD's Contributions Manager allows you to declare any account to be a pledge account for any name in your data file. As you enter contributions during the year, CMD will automatically track and compare the pledged amount against the given amount. CMD can provide pledge progress reports and pledge statements.

The Define Pledges dialog allows you to enter, update, or delete pledges. You may also view an individual's pledge progress for each pledge account.

Defining Pledges

To define one or more pledge accounts for an individual, follow these steps:

Find and highlight the name on the Enter/Modify/Delete Contributions dialog for whom you wish to define a pledge.

Click the Set or Review Pledges button in the lower left corner of the dialog.

Click the + button on the navigator bar, and then enter the pledge year, the account to which the individual is pledging, the amount, and the expected interval for the receipt of the donations. After entering this information, click the check mark button on the navigation bar to save the pledge.

You can enter virtually any number of pledge accounts for any individual as needed. To scroll through them to track progress or to make changes, click the scroll buttons on the navigation bar.Updating a Pledge

You can update a pledge any time that you need to. Find the pledge you wish to update by clicking the scroll buttons on the navigation bar until you find the pledge you wish to update. Click the Edit button on the navigation bar (it looks like the small pyramid to the right of the minus button) to put the pledge definition function into edit mode. Change any of the fields as needed, and then click the check mark button to save your changes. Click the Update Progress button if the Progress section doesn't immediately reflect the changes you've made.

Progress Reports

As you scroll to a specific pledge account, the information in the Progress section (the lower part of the dialog) will change to reflect donations received to date as compared to the pledge information entered.

Please bear in mind that there may be some minor variations in the expected year-to-date suggested donations and the actual amounts. The program bases its calculations from January 1st of each year. Since your regular weekly entry dates may not be on the same day that the 1st is on for a given year, your progress might be a week off if the interval chosen is the weekly one.