Define Contributions Accounts

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Define Contributions Accounts


To define the accounts that donations are made to, click the Define Accounts option on the Contributions Menu. You can also get to this dialog by clicking the Accounts button on the Enter/Modify/Delete Contributions dialog.

Define Contrib Accounts dialog

Remember that accounts in a contributions tracking system are different than in a general accounting packages. In Contrib, you will need accounts like Tithe, Local Church Operating, Youth Fund, Building Fund, and Flower Fund. Payroll or property tax accounts are not appropriate.

When CMD initializes, a default list of accounts is provided only as a general guide to get you thinking about the kinds of accounts that are appropriate to use. Remove or use these as they are helpful to you.If you wish to use account numbers, enter them before the account name if you want to access your accounts by number when you are given opportunity to select it during the contributions entry process.

Modifying the Accounts List

You can click into any blank space and type in the account name. Make sure not to add an extra space at the end! That can throw things off at times.

If you want to insert a new Account somewhere in the middle of the list, click on the place you'd like it to go and click Insert. If you wish to delete a line, click into that line and click the Delete button.

Make sure you save your changes when you are done!

Click the Print List button to print a list of the accounts on your printer.