CMD 2013.1 New Features

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CMD 2013.1 New Features


New Features in CMD 2013.1

Primarily, the new features in CMD 2013.1 are based on the provision for adding specially-built web apps to CMD. A number of new fields have been added to make it work, plus the addition of the apps themselves.

In 2013.1, only the read-only web app designed for staff use is included. Note that this app is NOT password protected at this point, so it's important for you to limit knowledge/access of this app to trusted staff and lay leaders. It's up to you who you share it with, so be selective.

The basic 2013 program (whether as an update or a full order) also entitles you to a second web app that we have decided to include as well. This second app will be similar to the app designed for staff use, but will not display the Family Status, Date of Birth, and Age information. It will be suitable for general use as a device-based church directory. No modification of data will be allowed, and users will not be able to access any information other than what is displayed on their phone screen.

New Fields

CMD now contains new fields which will allow the church office to define passwords and user names for all members who will be using the web app on their phone or tablet device. A field has also been included that will determine whether or not a given parishioner can lookup other names other than his or her own family record.

The use of these fields will be added to CMD 2013.2, when the second web app is introduced.

More Web Apps Coming

As stated above, the general app for parishioners will be introduced with 2013.2. If time permits, I will also be developing an update to the intial app for staff members by allowing for limited updating of information from your phone or tablet. After that, an app for staff that will take advantage of a larger screen such as an iPad or other tablet with browser capability. Finally, an app to allow for attendance to be marked will be created.

Program Updates

In addition to implementing the new fields (and the tools to use them), I've added a new data table for a prayer list. It's already in your database, but it won't be usable until 2013.2.

There will be a few refinements in Contributions, and hopefully some addition optimizations in Print Names, especially when printing remotely.

These are in addition to the numerous requests for additional features and functions. I'll work my way through that list as best I can as the year progresses.

New Folder Structure

2012 was my first year using a new data engine to power CMD. The switch to the new engine was made in order to make the web apps and remote access features less expensive for you, our users. While I'm very satisfied with the performance of the new data engine, it has meant some learning time for me as well.

Starting in CMD 2013, I will be using a different folder structure for CMD and its associated elements that will make it easier for me to provide more automated updating. Translate that to mean that it should become easier to update from year to year now because of the structural changes I will be making. For those who are curious to know about it, here's a bit more info. If you don't care to know, just skip over this part.

When you install CMD 2013, the folder structure on your hard drive will look like this:

 CMD 2013 Backups





Church Data

Youth Clubs







Except for CMD 2013 Backups, CMD-SFM will be the base folder. No more will you see folders off your C: drive such as CMD2011, CMD2012, etc. CMD-SFM will be the master folder for all CMD programs and elements starting with 2013. The CMD2013 folder under CMD-SFM contains all the program files for CMD 2013. In 2014, a new folder name CMD2014 will appear just below CMD2013, and all the other folders will remain intact as you see them above.

In the Data folder will reside the configuration files needed for CMD to operate, and under the Data folder, a folder named for the data for a given year's data files will be placed - in this case, Data2013. All data folders created for CMD files under CMD 2013 will then be placed under the Data2013 folder. In 2014, then, and new folder under Data will be created and named Data2014, under which all the data files created in CMD 2014 will be placed.

While there are two pictures files shown above, your setup will likely only have one of them. If you do not intend to use any of the web apps, your Pictures folder will appear after and on the same folder level as the Data folder. If, however, you will be using the web apps with your CMD 2013, the Pictures folder will be located under WebApps, because this is the only way the web apps will be able to retrieve the pictures for display with the web apps themselves.

Please don't modify the folder structure in any way without checking with me first. I designed this after much careful thought to make it easier to update from year to year. It will also leave your C: drive a bit cleaner looking since there won't be so many separate folders for CMD showing from the root drive.

An Apology and a Word of Thanks

Just wanted to apologize again for the lateness of this release, and to thank you for your patience. I thought I'd built enough time into my life to get this done before a geographical move for my family, but a few things out of my control meant the loss of significant time to program. I had hoped to have the 2nd web app ready as well as the Prayer list tool as well for 2013.1. But I decided that I needed to get the basic update out there as quickly as possible at this point. I will do my best to catch up over the course of the next few months.